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A sediment-sensitive macro-invertebrate metric that provides a proxy to describe the extent to which the surface of river bed are composed, or covered by sediments. It can be calculated at Taxonomic Levels 2 & 5


  names = macroinvertebrateMetrics::column_attributes$name,
  questions = c("Taxon abundance", "Taxon Abundance"),
  taxa_list = "TL2",
  log_abundance = TRUE,
  metric_cols = macroinvertebrateMetrics::metric_cols



Dataframe with at least three columns itemSAMPLE_ID - unique idenftier for each sample itemTAXON - Taxon name that matches to macroinvertebrateTaxa dataset itemRESULT - Numeric log abundance category


Optional, user provided list of column names different to those used in `column_attributes` to match with input data


Optional, user provided 'question' default is 'Taxon abundance', which filters only abundance values.


If RESULT column in ecologyResults not log category then set to FALSE. This will calculate log value from your numeric abundance.


The taxonomic level the sample(s) have been identified at according to specificed taxa lists as described in WFD100 Further Development of River Invertebrate Classification Tool. Either "TL2" - Taxa or "TL5" - Taxa list 5.


Dataframe with itemSAMPLE_ID





Turley, Matt & Bilotta, Gary & Chadd, Richard & A Extence, Chris & E Brazier, Richard & Burnside, Niall & Pickwell, Alex. (2016). A sediment-specific family-level biomonitoring tool to identify the impacts of fine sediment in temperate rivers and streams. Ecological Indicators. 70. 151-165. 10.1016/j.ecolind.2016.05.040.


sample <- demo_data
calc_epsi(data = sample, taxa_list = "TL2")
#> # A tibble: 137 × 5
#>    sample_id parameter_long                          parameter question response
#>    <chr>     <chr>                                   <chr>     <chr>    <chr>   
#>  1 1017980   Enhanced Proportion of Sediment-sensit… METRIC E… EPSI Sc… 97.3177…
#>  2 1017980   Enhanced Proportion of Sediment-sensit… METRIC E… EPSI Co… Minimal…
#>  3 1101214   Enhanced Proportion of Sediment-sensit… METRIC E… EPSI Sc… 94.7977…
#>  4 1101214   Enhanced Proportion of Sediment-sensit… METRIC E… EPSI Co… Minimal…
#>  5 1250462   Enhanced Proportion of Sediment-sensit… METRIC E… EPSI Sc… 97.7455…
#>  6 1250462   Enhanced Proportion of Sediment-sensit… METRIC E… EPSI Co… Minimal…
#>  7 1419451   Enhanced Proportion of Sediment-sensit… METRIC E… EPSI Sc… 98.9023…
#>  8 1419451   Enhanced Proportion of Sediment-sensit… METRIC E… EPSI Co… Minimal…
#>  9 1457665   Enhanced Proportion of Sediment-sensit… METRIC E… EPSI Sc… 99.3715…
#> 10 1457665   Enhanced Proportion of Sediment-sensit… METRIC E… EPSI Co… Minimal…
#> # ℹ 127 more rows